Our Vision
“Love one another as I have loved you, then everyone will know that you are my disciples”. John 13:34
Our Mission Statement anchors our purposeful learning, so that valued in our uniqueness we nurture our skills and talents to our fullest potential. Our stimulating experiences promote our joy of learning as we thrive, growing in our self-belief, happiness and independence. We inspire and motivate each other to strive for excellence in our increasingly digital world, as we become advocates for our ever-changing future.
We develop our inclusivity and compassion for our global neighbours as we encourage each other in our responsibility to care for God’s world. Together, we build a stronger community through mutual respect of our differences and similarities, celebrating our home in Cymru and our place in the wider world as we Listen, Laugh and Live in the Light of the Lord.

Our Classes
We have 3 classes in all, Dosbarth Hedyn – Class 1 Our first class is where we welcome all children to begin their educational journey with us. Dosbarth Glasbren – Class 2 is the next chapter, where we build upon the foundations of literacy and numeracy skills that have been created. Dosbarth Coeden – Class 3 is our final class, where the focus is upon consolidating the skills and knowledge built upon in previous years, in order for our learners to flourish as independent, capable learners.
These classes are supported by two additional learning environments. Gofod Sgiliau – Skills Space reflects the inclusive nature of our school. The promotion of well-being is at the heart of this welcoming, low-arousal environment, which supports our learners with specific sensory needs. Finally Ysgol Goedwig – Forest School, sessions are aimed at developing learners’ awareness of both themselves and their environment, at promoting positive self-esteem, encouraging the growth of both independent practical skills and confidence in working as part of an effective team, alongside supporting the development of fine and gross motor skills.
Breakfast & After School Clubs
We are strong believers in the Morning Meal Matters, as we know that eating a healthy breakfast kicks starts our day with enhanced attention and memory, improved academic performance and a greater positive engagement.
Our Breakfast Club opens at 7:45am and runs to 8:30pm, serving a range of cereals and toast, milk and juice.
We also run after school clubs and activity sessions for your chilren to enjoy, promoting team building and interaction with others and in association with Activ8Kids there also a range of holidays camps.

Latest News
Thank you for your interest on our news section where we will be keeping you up to date with all that new at St Mary’s Catholic Primary School. If you have any questions or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact us.

“Love one another as I have loved you, then everyone will know that you are my disciples”. John 13:34
Our Mission Statement anchors our purposeful learning, so that valued in our uniqueness we nurture our skills and talents to our fullest potential. Our stimulating experiences promote our joy of learning as we thrive, growing in our self-belief, happiness and independence. We inspire and motivate each other to strive for excellence in our increasingly digital world, as we become advocates for our ever-changing future.
We develop our inclusivity and compassion for our global neighbours as we encourage each other in our responsibility to care for God’s world. Together, we build a stronger community through mutual respect of our differences and similarities, celebrating our home in Cymru and our place in the wider world as we Listen, Laugh and Live in the Light of the Lord.
Contact Us
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School
Milford Road
SY16 2EH
Telephone: 01686 625582
E-mail: office@st-marys.powys.sch.uk