Other Information

In this section we have added any other information you may find useful when finding out more about St Marys Catholic Primary School.

If you do have any questions then please do not hesitate to to contact us on 01686 625582 or via email office@st-marys.powys.sch.uk

The further information includes, ALN (Additional Learning Needs) and wellbeing, the curriculum, governance, school policies, safeguarding and school development.

Addition Learning Needs

We are an inclusive school, where every learner is welcomed, respected and supported as the unique individual they are. We view neurodiversity, ‘thinking differently’ and ‘acting differently’ as a strength, something to be valued in our school community and beyond into the wider world.


Our Governing Body is responsible for ensuring that our school is run effectively, acting within the frameworks set by legislation and that the policies of the Wrexham Diocese, the Local Authority and the Welsh Government are adhered to. Our Governing Body works with the Headteacher and the…

Policies & Procedures

Access to our policies and procedures can be accessed using the links below, these will be updated as they become available.  If you require further information, please do get in touch with us and we will be happy to help. Please visit our contact page for more information.

Pupil Voice

Listening to the voice of our learners is at the forefront of our school ethos, as we believe that it is essential for our learners to embrace the ownership of their own learning, through expressing their views and influencing decisions on all aspects of school life.

Resources for Families

There are many avenues of support available for families in Powys – take a look at the links below to find out more: Flying Start, Childcare Offer for Wales, Tax-free Childcare Scheme, Apply for Pre-School Early Years Education, NPTC Group of Colleges, Free School Meals…


In this our safeguarding section we aim to provide you with as much useful information as possible in conjunction with the local Police Liaison Officer, INEQE, Safety Centre & Safer Schools. Articles in this section will cover subjects like Youtube & Tiktok access settings, genernal internet…

School Development

The Curriculum for Wales is a challenging and ambitious programme for educational reform – raising standards of education and improving learner outcomes is at the heart of this programme. Our School Development Plan (SDP) is our strategic plan…


In appreciating ourselves as individual and unique, we actively promote the value of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing throughout our whole school community. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social wellbeing – these all come together to…

“Love one another as I have loved you, then everyone will know that you are my disciples”. John 13:34

Our Mission Statement anchors our purposeful learning, so that valued in our uniqueness we nurture our skills and talents to our fullest potential. Our stimulating experiences promote our joy of learning as we thrive, growing in our self-belief, happiness and independence. We inspire and motivate each other to strive for excellence in our increasingly digital world, as we become advocates for our ever-changing future.

We develop our inclusivity and compassion for our global neighbours as we encourage each other in our responsibility to care for God’s world. Together, we build a stronger community through mutual respect of our differences and similarities, celebrating our home in Cymru and our place in the wider world as we Listen, Laugh and Live in the Light of the Lord.

Contact Us

St Mary’s Catholic Primary School
Milford Road
SY16 2EH

Telephone: 01686 625582
E-mail: office@st-marys.powys.sch.uk