Our Governing Body is responsible for ensuring that our school is run effectively, acting within the frameworks set by legislation and that the policies of the Wrexham Diocese, the Local Authority and the Welsh Government are adhered to.
Our Governing Body works with the Headteacher and the school staff in a close and balanced partnership, providing the best possible education for our learners. Our Governors support the strategic planning of our school, determining aims and objectives through their involvement with the self-evaluation and improvement procedures. Our Governing Body manages the school budget, develops school policies and procedures, alongside providing parents with an annual report.
The full Governing Body meets once a term, with a number of sub-committees meeting as required. Throughout the term, our Governors visit our school to take part in monitoring activities, which often involves working alongside our learners to ascertain their views and opinions on all aspects of school life. Our Governors are valued as our ‘critical friends’, balancing support and challenge to ensure that our expectations remain consistently high in all areas of school life.

“Love one another as I have loved you, then everyone will know that you are my disciples”. John 13:34
Our Mission Statement anchors our purposeful learning, so that valued in our uniqueness we nurture our skills and talents to our fullest potential. Our stimulating experiences promote our joy of learning as we thrive, growing in our self-belief, happiness and independence. We inspire and motivate each other to strive for excellence in our increasingly digital world, as we become advocates for our ever-changing future.
We develop our inclusivity and compassion for our global neighbours as we encourage each other in our responsibility to care for God’s world. Together, we build a stronger community through mutual respect of our differences and similarities, celebrating our home in Cymru and our place in the wider world as we Listen, Laugh and Live in the Light of the Lord.
Contact Us
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School
Milford Road
SY16 2EH
Telephone: 01686 625582